slip angle _ suspension geometry

slip angle

is the angle between a rolling wheel's actual direction of travel and the direction towards which it is pointing
A non-zero slip angle arises because of deformation in the tire

High slip angle
The slip angle increasing according to the lateral force,when the tyre has enough applied lateral force ,the print is sliding and it is called "broken away" 

It is the stability and contractility of a vehicle
It is the behavior of the vehicle in maneuvering

the inner body of a pneumatic tire that sustains load and absorbs shock

is the part of the tyre that makes contact with the road's surface, should have strong resistance to wear and cutting
the rubber is either stuck to the road or sliding across the road
-sliding when the local coefficient of friction is reached

Upright wheel
The wheel that has zero camber

Lateral force
Is the force at the tyre contact with the road ,lies in the road plane ,it is almost perpendicular to the direction at which the wheel is 
headed if no inclination or camber exists

Tyre load sensitively
As the vertical loads change due to cornering,the tyre performance is constantly changing
The lateral force falls off at higher load

Aligning Torque
Describes a tire's tendency to steer about a vertical axis through the center of the print, the elastic distortion of the print results uneven distribution of lateral force so this uneven distribution gives rises to the aligning torque

when tyre is tested at a series of loads we will note that when the load is increasing,the peak lateral force occurs at a higher slip angle


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

Camber Angle, Caster Angle and Cross Caster

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